
I’m improving in my martial arts techniques. I’m maintaining more control over my opponents especially ones of the same gender. Unfortunately i have a line of no less than ten bruises dotting my right arm and forearm, including one very large obvious one on the back of my knuckles. I hope no one thinks it is the Russell sign. I have also discovered more bruises on my thigh when i took a shower. Sweet.

Then i was in clinics. And i lifted a child off the examining bed, and felt a very significant ache in my pectoralis muscle. I hurriedly put the child down lest i drop her. Wouldn’t be too amusing then i reckon. Gosh, i am clearly not slacking off during training. Perhaps i should take it easy for a bit.

Anyway, going to read up a chapter on acne now and get some sleep. I am exhausted, somehow this week was even more hectic than the last. I have to send my car for a regular major service tomorrow too. I think my mother i am going to be hit by a massive bill. My tyres are wearing out because of the corners i have been taking too fast and too many.

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